Our school’s WatchDOGS program is up and running! We are so excited for this opportunity to have dads on campus to be involved in your child(ren)'s school day and to be a male role model for other students in the class and on campus. Being a WatchDOG may include being an aide to the teacher in your child's class, being involved during recess such as playing or refereeing sports, assisting at lunch time, and occasionally being asked to help in other classes or activities.
Becoming a WatchDOG requires being a Tier 2 volunteer, if you need to sign up as a Tier 2 volunteer please email Joanne at mbolokowicz@capousd.org. Once the district volunteer check is complete you’ll hear back from Joanne and are free to sign up for a WatchDOG shift.
WatchDOG shifts are available for 8:30am -11am or 11am - 2:30pm, Monday to Friday. Please be sure to sign up at least a week in advance and include your kids names and grades, so you can be scheduled to be in their classes.